
Here are a few acronyms I use (having first saw many of them used in other infertility sites and thought it was another language!).

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9



2WW Two-week wait, the time from ovulation to when AF is due to show (also at the end of the two-week wait a pregnancy test can be done)
3DT 3 day transfer (length of time the embryo has been maturing in Petri dish when it is transferred to the uterus)
5DT 5 day transfer (length of time the embryo has been maturing in Petri dish when it is transferred to the uterus)
AF Aunty Flow (menstrual cycle)
BT Blood test
BBT Basal body temperature
BCP Birth control pill
BFN Big Fat Negative (pregnancy test result)
BFP Big Fat Positive (pregnancy test result)
CD Cycle day, CD1 is the first day of menses
CM Cervical Mucus (also known as Cervical Fluid)
Cryo Cryopreservation, referring to the freezing of embryos for future use in IVF
DH Devoted Husband
DP3DT Days Past 3 Day Transfer
DP5DT Days Past 5 Day Transfer
DPO Days Past Ovulation (the countdown to testing for pregnancy)
DPT Days Past Transfer
EFREC Edinburgh Fertility and Reproductive Endocrine Centre
ER Egg retrieval
ET Embryo transfer
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone. Blood test used to determine possible ovarian failure.
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, the hormone emitted by human placenta, is what pregnancy tests measure.
HOS High, Open and Soft (Cervix)
HPT Home pregnancy test
IF Infertility or infertile
IVF In Vitro Fertilisation
LAP Laparoscopic procedure
LH Luteinizing hormone
Little France Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Little France Crescent
LOL Laugh Out Loud
OMG Oh My God!
OPK Ovulation predictor kit
OV Ovulation
PIO Progesterone In Oil (Injection)
POAS Pee on a Stick (ie taking a home pregnancy test)
PT Pregnancy test
RIE Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
TMI Too much information
TTC Trying to conceive
TVUS Trans Vaginal Ultrasound (probe used to view ovaries, uterus etc internally)
US Ultrasound